Monday, September 24, 2012

Experts AgreeThe Customer Advantage is Best Model For Business Ever

The Customer Advantage is a new company in prelaunch. The company is being virally marketed as a grassroots alternative to Groupon and Living Social
which will share revenue with members. Reps for The Customer Advantage will market to businesses with a ‘zero risk, zero out-of-pocket’ pitch that
promises the business there is no cost unless the business offer is presented to them by a customer.The Customer Advantageinc is offering free sign ups, but
 all sign ups must be through a referral.
New members receive a replicated web page for referrals. Commission is currently based on a 5% override on the purchases of all referred members, for
five levels. When members enroll a new business, the commission is to be 2% of all sales made through offers by that business.
At this time no daily coupons are yet being offered with no date set for the launch of the coupon feature.
A lot of folks have asked this question because how can a company pay commissions without charging a membership fee. You really need to have a good
understanding of the business model and I have to say it took me a few days to get it. This was before we had the videos that are available now. Please
take the time to watch the video underGroupon Vs The Customer Advantage article on our site.
Now John Milanoski, the owner, challenges anyone to find a whole in this business model, and I haven’t been able to find one. It’s completely free to join
and market and they will never ask for a dime from it’s members.
For businesses, they can use their services with no cash out of pocket and get paid after the campaign is done.As a free member you will get deals for
your area starting in the States first but plans to grow around the globe as the membership grows. For those outside the States, you can promote the
company to others and earn commissions. There just won’t be offers for your area to begin with.
The Customer Advantage is Taking The High Road
TCA is FREE (to members and businesses)
TCA is open to anyone over 18 (individuals, businesses, not for profits, churches, Clubs, etc…)
TCA requires no inventory. 
TCA does not require you to sign up for auto ship. 
TCA has no sales quota you have to meet in order to be paid.
TCA has no geographic boundaries (within the areas the company is currently active).
TCA has mass appeal (it’s just about every product you can imagine)
TCA is the Ultimate Value because…You only make a purchase when YOU find something you like or want.
TCA products are not inflated to facilitate rewards, they are deflated (you’ll save 50% or better on all types of products and services from local and
national companies).
TCA is a win win Value is delivered first then rewards are delivered.
TCA rewards you in direct proportion of the results produced.
TCA benefits multiple people with the same transaction you would normally do. As a member, even at the most simple level, you are making a difference.
You are saving 50% or better on items you want. 
You simply share and this may develop into extra income for you and those you share with (far beyond just the people you initially share with).
You are helping local small and medium businesses. 
You are helping create jobs locally. 
You are benefitting non-profit groups (schools, clubs, churches etc..).
You feel good because it is completely win win win. You, friends, businesses and non profits. All for something you can easily love to do
(buy products you want at 50% or better savings). It’s no wonder over 80,000 people enrolled in the first 90 days!
Experts agree this is the best model for dong business EVER!   Craig Seaton Face Book Fan Page

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